Thursday, July 1, 2010

just now ade anak kucing jatuh dr ats bumbung,. kecian gilerw.. =___=
then aku tron nk g amik die tp die lari..
after a few minutes..
mak die cari die..
aku nanges coz aku xbleh tgk mak die cri die..
suara die sedey sgt...
i hope die dpt jmpe ank die tu..
ank die kecik lg...

bygkan ank kucig uw kecik mcm nie... kecian nye... =_____=

Thursday, June 24, 2010


This is Subang.. dzikhry's cat.. pelik kan name die..
name mak die Antique.. mak die mati lpas 3 ari die lahir..

I dont know what i wanna write bout Subang.. tp that day Subang minum 'racun tikus'.. *OMG.. aku soh Dzikhry beli air kelapa soh bg racun dlm bdan die ilang.. now die da sehat blek.. n Dzikhry jage die tol2..
Comelkan Subang...

**nie Timmy kucng mummy Dzikhry.. die lg gemok n cute dr Subang.. oh mummy when u wanna give timmy to me.. i was wondering that i want to kidnapped timmy la...
hahahaha...**Evil laugh!

i MisS alL my cAts....

*the picture was my cats. i have another but thats all the picture that i found. i miss them so much..=_= Ricky,Kont0t,cik0, bpak debab, cik0(female), debab is dead while striper, banzai, bentayan is gone. yg tnggal cuma putih je *the white one.

i l0ve all my cats. i l0ve s0 much. sume kucing aku tu life aku. aku sunyi, sedih, nangis, sakit.. kucing aku yg teman selain my mom n dad.. tp sume nye dh mati n aku rindu sgt dkat kucing aku sume.. T-T..

RICKY - kucing aku yg malas n thu makan je.. klu aku pnggl kdg2 bwat dek je.. tp suke tdow dgn mak aku..
KONTOT - my 'syg'.. 24jam nk kepit dgn aku jer.. suke tdow sbelah aku n pelok tgn aku.. picture die diatas uw aku tngah bgurau dgn die.. blerw aku bwat *gaya mcm nk tembak die pon blakon mati.. haha..
STRIPER - kucng aku yg plng lawa n manja.. suke tdow dgn ayah.. haha.
BANZAI - kucng yg aku jmpe mase aku bru dtg kat KL.. jumpe dkat umah makcik aku n makcik aku buang.. =_=
CIKO - kucng aku yg plng 'otai' kat tman aku.. haha.. bdan die bsar glerw.. n suke tdow kat atas keta ayah.. slalu kene bebel dgn ayah blerw tdow atas keta n blek uma bdan luka2.. n kucng aku plng tahan lame idop even tekak die pnah b'lubang n last skali kulit kpale die t'kopak n btahan 2mnggu lebeh je..
CIKO(female) - kucng kesayangan mak aku.. anak2 die sume cute2 tp xtahan lame sbb byk kne langgar n kne makan dgn bpak kucing.. yg nie mak aku nanges sbb atok aku buang die.. yelah slama nie mak aku jd bidan die bile die branak.. :P
BAPAK DEBAB - name die agk pelik n pnjang sbb xthu bg name ape.. die bpak kpd ciko.. same bsar mcm anak die.. jenis die cool je.. haha..
DEBAB - anak kpd ciko(female).. die itam legam sbb lahir mlm thaipusam.. hahaha.. die plng comel sbb kacukan parsi.. hobi die suke tgk tv atas sofa.. n die akan jatoh sbb suke terkam tv dr atas sofa.. die mati sbb kecacingan coz aku xthu pd mulanya die kacukan kne bg injection..
BENTAYAN - die nie plng nakal skali.. kesayangan ayah.. anak angkat Ricky.. aku jmpe die dpan umah mase wktu ujan.. die ni hyper active.. xreti nk tdow lame.. nk b'gurau je keje.. pnah skali aku bg ubat batok ingt nk soh die tdow tp die lg hyper.. haha.. suke tnggu ayah balik keje n bile ayah balik ayah akn ltak die kat steering wheel n bwak die jalan2.. haha..
PUTIH - kucing aku yg tnggal skunk nie.. bini ciko.. hehehe..ciko yg bwak die dtg uma aku.. now die sekor je yg tnggal.. die pendiam je.. tp law aku blek n ade kat umah.. dok dgn aku je.. smpai ayah pnggl pon xlayan.. hahaha..

tu la die kerenah kucing2 aku.. tp sume dh xde tnggal putih je.. kdg2 aku sedey gak bile ingat.. tp nk bwat mcm ne.. sume yg idop pasti mati.. aku tulis blog tok kucing aku nie just nk luahkan how much i miss my cats and how much i need my cats.. T-T..
aku syg sume kucing aku.. aku nk sgt jmpe dorunk blek tp dorunk hnya dtg dlm mimpi aku je..
Ricky,Ciko,Ciko(female),Bapak Debab,Debab,Bentayan,Kontot,Striper,Banzai ..
Rest in peace my lil ones....

*i hope one day my house will be full with cats.. hehehe...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mr. Dzikhry Dzulkarnain..

This is just special for my dear....

I would give up everything
Before I'd separate myself from you
After so much suffering
I've finally found unvarnished truth
I was all by myself for the longest time
So cold inside
And the hurt from the heart it would not subside
I felt like dying
Until you saved my life

I would give you everything
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
To ensure your happiness
I'll cherish every part of you
Because without you beside me I can't survive
Don't wanna try
If you're keeping me warm each and every night
I'll be all right
Cause I need you in my life

Thank God I found you
I was lost without you
My every wish and every dream
Somehow became reality
When you brought the sunlight
Completed my whole life
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude
Cause baby I'm so thankful i found you.

this is just for you my dear.. after a year he left me untill i found you.. you're really speacial for me.. thanks for standing me up again.. and please don't leave as he did to me..

3rd JUNE 2010..!

its my birthday!!.. huhu... last thursday was my b'thday.. huhuhu.. birthday yg paling best.. mlm uw pkol 12mlm roommate aku sepakat dgn dzikhry tok bwat surprise tok aku.. diorng bwak aku pegi tepi grill**hostel aku trok sket.. n tibe2 dzikhry sang a song 4 me use by his own lyrics.. huhu..**sudah bwat aku menangis.. then dating jap kat tepi n msok bilek.. then ari kames uw afta class.. dzik ajak aku g jalan2 g ts..he said he wanna bought me a present..n then afta we jalan2 suddenly he said das nk jmpe n ignored yg aku tgh lapa gilerw.. n smpai je kat kfc he closed my eyes n bwak aku jalan n tibe2..**argghh-surprised!! all my friends was there.. huhu.. *thanx b.. thanx 4 doing all dat,... i love u b... but i'm sad coz LYZ n ATEN xde.. :'( but i really2 enjoy on my birthday... thanks again b.. love u so much.. heee....

What does dignity means

Can anyone tell me what dignity means.huh..Well,there's a reason on why i asked this question..I just wanna know whether is it necessary for someone to talk about dignity when that person itself didn't look at its own reflection cause it didn't realize itself doing the same thing..*sorry i refer to the person as it..i don't think it deserves to be called human..but who cares*laughing maniacally..anyways..back to what i was talking about yeah..itself is being the one:" oh please i miss you..when do you wanna hang you wanna meet ma bf bring your gf along(example)." So easy to say,that person is the one being so obsessed with the other person..i mean,if dignity is what's playing around here..take a good look at yourself then you can talk about dignity..Where's your's when you still keeping your ex's pictures..still obsessed over your ex..saying no laa..i'm talking bout xxxxxxx.. lolx..with the pictures not thrown away..making up bulls to makes the other person breakdown and causes a fight to be started..whoever reads this and terasa..i don't care..its suppose to stab you in the heart..what's passed is passed..put it in a box and get over it..let by gone be by gone.. i've been really patient all this while but you've crossed the lines..that's why i'm writing this post..if you're really not satisfied with this post..come and meet me face to face so we can settle it as adults..cause its like so childish talking about people behind their back..or if you don't wanna meet well

Sunday, May 30, 2010

something funny..

This is last wednesday we went to showdown at KL Life Centre and trust me it was awesome with the breakdance and the Michael Jackson since that it was tribute to MJ starting off..we were from college then we head to pavilion to get changed..and by we i mean me,ma girl and zharif..and planned to meet lyz(me girl's bestest bestf) after me and zharif got ready..we waited for my girl..which was like waiting for pigs to fly..hahaha..but who can blame her..she was making up and everything..*girl thang so yeah..after me and zharif was done..lyz reached and then we waited for both of them..with us being hungry and all..then we headed off to KL Life Centre to meet the rest of me girl's friend..after we met up then we went in..scary thing yet shocking is that we met an impersonator of MJ in the house..and i mean seriously he looks like MJ..the scary part is at 1st i thought it was really him..hahaha...shocking part is he looks EXACTLY LIKE HIM!!! yeah..the comp went on..and there was this girl who was like screaming in my ear and i swear i was deaf that moment..cuz it was so loud..huhu..once the event finished..we like went taking pictures all over the place..hahah..i took a pict wif Soul Krazy and guess who was the one who went crazy..yes all guessed it was my girl..hahaha..but it was worth it..*shhh ,dun tell her i said that.. hahahah..but hey..i still love me girl.. :D later then we head home and we stayed over at lyz's house..and yeah..we were dead tired..but it was worth the fun we had..huhuhu.. :D